연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (III)
발표장 제11-2회장
논문코드 O11-25
발표일 2024-04-3
발표시간 14:45-15:00
논문제목 Laser-cut vertical structured OECT with high density array
발표자 이형범
발표자 소속 아주대학교
저자 이형범, 박성준1,†, 이인호2, 원종현2, 백석현2
소속 아주대학교; 1아주대학교 전자공학과; 2아주대학교 지능형반도체공학과
논문초록 Organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) are promising for bio-interfaces due to their high transconductance, biocompatibility, and flexibility. They can monitor complex biological signals simultaneously using a multi-electrode array (MEA). However, manufacturing large arrays is challenging. In this study, we propose a simpler manufacturing process for a 6x6 MEA OECT using laser ablation, avoiding complex photolithography. We also developed a vertical structure array with a short channel length, achieving a small footprint and high transconductance. We demonstrated high-performance ECG sensors based on this technology, which could revolutionize skin-mounted body-monitoring devices.